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Dr. Feelgood | Nurse Jones | Wesley Wombat

[STATUS:] Mad scientist and psychologist.

About 6'4" gangly. (Think of the professor in BACK TO THE FUTURE) Is usually rubbing his hands and has a grin on his face. White hair sticking out and blue eyes.

Lab coat with all sorts of gadgets stuffed in the pockets and sometimes has a goggle type thingie on His head when not over his eyes. Dresses casual in tweed.

Doesn't fight but can pull out a gadget to try on the attacker.

Gadgeter and psychologist. Builds all sorts of weird things and loves to tinker. When worked up, tends to yell "VORRLD'S GREEATIZT DOKTOR!!" And cause a large ki explosion.

Work, Work, Work. Lots of things to do and people to talk to, worlds to take over... *AHEM!!*(Small lapse there) Lots of people have problems and its your job to help even if they think they’re okay. And stop those silly rascals from fighting!


{A GREETING:} "Hello! Hello! How arree you doink? Do you vish to make an appointment?"

{A CHALLENGE:} "Ach! You arre displayink vazt amountz of hozitlity! Pleaze, come to my office rrright now."

{AN ATTACK:} "ACH!! NURRZE JONEZZ!!" or. "Ztop dat rright now!" (hauls out thingie from pocket) "Orr I vill haf to uze dis mental decapacitator on you!"

{A PASS:} "Ahem! I am zuprizzed at you yong lady! You zhould know betterrr then to akt dat vay in publik."

Little is known. He just appeared at the end of a dusty road with lots of luggage and set up shop. Is gregarious and will regale people with tales of all the inventions he has made.

[STATUS:] Professional nurse and ninja

Attractive red-head(Short hair) green eyes, is a bit short(5'5") is usualy chewing gum and has a 'air-head' look about her.

Nurse's outfit or a white ninja suit that has two red crosses on the shoulders. Carries various weapons/medical supplies(both are interchangeable with each other). Wears zumas and loose shirts when not at work.

Knives, Ninja-tos, Needles, rolls of gauze, tongue depressors, blood pressure cuff("It goes around your neck like this!") plus lots of nasty incapacitating type drugs.

Trained nurse and ninja. Uses medical supplies as weapons alot of times. Specialty is sneaking up behind people and jabbing them with a drug filled hypo.

Working with Feelgood is a good job. Just have to stay out of the way when he blows something/himself up. Meanwhile, keep working on your thesis between fights.


{A GREETING:} "Hello, do you have an appointment today? I'll be glad to set one up with you. I'm sorry, the Doctor is busy right now."

{A CHALLENGE:} "I'll have to ask to leave since your being disruptive."

{AN ATTACK:} *Smoke grenade goes off followed by crunches and KYAAAS!* Dumps gauzed body in trash.

{A PASS:} *quirks eyebrows* and continues reading DAYS OF RED HOT LUST BY THE SEA.(Trashy romance novel)

Got hired by Feelgood as assistant right out of med school. Is 3rd daughter of ninja family who runs the school as cover for operations.

[CHARACTER'S NAME:] Wesley Wombat
[STATUS:] Miner and adventurer

3'1/2" tall bipedal wombat. Can run on all fours and hands work as well as human hands.

Khaki vest and shorts, miner's helmet. Has tool-belt and magic backpack of holding.

Has sharp teeth and can use picks and shovels fairly well (You don't want to know about the jackhammer)

Tunnels extremely fast and is a pretty good sculptor. Knows Wom-Fu which an effective fighting skill. If the opponent is only 1 foot taller otherwise He has to fall back on the alternate Wom-fu style which primarily consists of biting your opponent on the ankle.

I should have taken that right turn at Alberquerque. But this place looks interesting, I'll stay a bit.


{A GREETING:} "Hello. Sorry to break through your floor like that. Where am I at the moment?"

{A CHALLENGE:} *Takes stance and glares at aggressor* Back off dude!

{AN ATTACK:} Think of a super charged vorpal rabbit from THE HOLY GRAIL going for your ankle and you get the idea.

{A PASS:} *If the person in question isn't a wombat* "erhmmm..Ah..Thank you very much." *Edges towards escape hole* (Hey! That's humanity and kinky beyond belief!)

Decided that life at Warner Brothers was getting to stale and decided to dig His way around the world looking for adventure. Since he's ended up in CAPOW, he's an anime character instead of western cartoon and is having a blast.

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