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The following describes the general outline of a CAPOW character sheet.


If your character lost all fighting abilities, how would they stand apart from other characters?


Remember, CAPOW stresses writing and development of character through writing. Keep this in mind ALWAYS as you make your character.

If there's something you're not sure about, or you think your character is too powerful, ask for some guidance by sending up your character to a member. But read all the guidelines below. We really hate seeing characters who are inappropriate because their creator obviously didn't read this document.

Pretty self explanatory. The name of the character. Can also include other common forms of address (ie: "Baka!" or "Hey you!" or "HENTAI-BOY!")

Any particular occupation the character holds or a general reason for existence.

Copying an anime character outright is frowned upon. Just remember the difference between patterning a character off a pre-existing genre, and ripping off a pre-defined character.

CAPOW already has a wide variety of characters. We really don't need more of the same. Here are some other character types you might not have thought of. Try scanning through the existing character sheets to see what CAPOW already has.

Magicians -- (Lina Inverse, Slayers; Slayn, Record Of Lodoss War)
Psychics -- (Tetsuo, Akira)
Magical Knights/Magical Pretty Girls -- (Honey, Cutey Honey; Yohko, Devil Hunter Yohko; Serena, Sailor Moon)
People with Power Armor -- (MIKU, Metal Fighter Miku; Nene, Bubblegum Crisis)
Martial Artists -- (Ranma Saotome, Ranma 1/2; Ken, Fist Of The North Star)
Mecha/Giant Robot Pilots -- (Shinji, Neon Genesis Evangelion; Rick Hunter, Robotech)
Ninjas -- (Jubei, Ninja Scroll; Aeon Flux, Aeon Flux; Susuke, Ranma 1/2)
Oni/Yoma (demons) -- (Lum, Urusei Yatsura; Miyu, Vampire Princess Miyu)
Vampire Hunters / Witchhunters (D, Vampire Hunter D; Katsumi, Silent Mobius)
Strongmen/women -- (Sensei Fujisawa, El Hazard; A-ko, Project A-ko)
Furries and Half-breeds -- (Mink, Dragon Half; Nuku Nuku, APCCG Nuku Nuku)
Letches/Luckouts -- (Tylor, Irresponsible Captain Tylor; Ataru, Urusei Yatsura)
BG Squared (Beautiful Girls, Big Guns) -- (Kei and Yuri, Dirty Pair)
General Powered Characters -- (Sister Shayla Shayla, El Hazard; Mika and Miu, Hyperdolls)

Some good questions to ask yourself:
1) Do they have a purpose / point of being?
2) What makes them unique / interesting?
3) What characteristics do they have that makes people able to write them and have the character recognizable no matter how badly written?

A basic description of the character's physical attributes and distinguishing features. Also includes stuff like eye colour, hair colour, hair-style, height, etc.

Like any good anime character, this is what your character will be wearing most of the time. It's commonly known that some anime characters are unrecognizable in different clothes.

A description of all the weapons your character likes to use in combat. Guns, knives, swords, anything can be a weapon actually. Usually what the character is proficient with.

CAPOW isn't a fighting forum or an RPG. We stress writing, writing, writing! A character overloaded with weapons just to make it cool, isn't cool. You should focus your efforts more on their personality and quirks.

A character carrying various handguns, knives, grenades, all strapped to his/her body isn't very realistic. Use moderation.

The powers and/or skills your character has at their disposition. This doesn't have to be just offensive and defensive things. It could something as powerful as energy blasts to something ordinary like picking locks or superb cooking abilities.

A character with too many overpowering abilities won't easily integrate with the other characters. There's no sense of struggle or conflict. Powers such as mind control, immortaility, super offensive spells/powers/energy are really discouraged. If you dropped your character into a lesser-powered anime and they kicked everyone's ass, then your character is probably too powerful. Either tone it down or introduce some weaknesses. (see below)

How good is your character's skills? How do they compare against others? How often can they use their skills without tiring?

If you must insist on a powerful skill, balance it out with a serious weakness. For example, Dracula is quite a powerful character. He's immortal, can shape-shift, and control people's minds. But, he has serious weaknesses. Sunlight means instant death. He cannot travel off his native soil. He cannot stand before a cross. These help balance the character out.

Powers and skills don't have to be fighting abilities. We really love to see people with interesting quirks like being able to withstand bad cooking, useful music playing skills, etc.

Describe some things that might limit your character's powers. Remember, if your character has a serious skill that might be considered too powerful, balance it with a serious weakness.

If your character isn't too powerful, it might be fun to add in some extra weaknesses like being unable to lie or a total craving for 10 buckets of icecream. This helps introduce comedy and sets your character apart from others.

A short paragraph about your character's personality. Are they friendly, shy, rude, brooding? Also can contain their outlook on life in general. You character's personality can be the major driving force behind the shaping of your character instead of his/her powers, abilities, history or profession.

One of the problems with writing as a team is that if a character doesn't like to interact with others, it's hard to get them into good writing situations. Try and avoid characters who are anti-social or doesn't like talking/interacting. This is not to say that they have to be nice. One of CAPOW's neatest characters, Dachend, is a total pain-in-the-ass and loves to piss people off!

Again, like the status, think of things that might help your character stand apart from other people. We like people who are friendly etc. but try and be different too. A good foundation might be some popular anime stereotypes: (ie: boy-crazy girl, letcherous guy, bookworm female, eternally confused male, etc...) Then, let your imagination go!

What your character is likely to say in familiar situations. The purpose of this is to provide a sense of how your character might act and react.

{A GREETING:} What kind of greeting do they give to other people? Friends? Strangers?

	"Hi I'm Ranma Saotome.  Sorry about this."
		- Ranma, 'Ranma 1/2'
{A CHALLENGE:} What your character might say to someone bold (or foolish?) enough to pick a fight with them.
	"Do you once again dare to taste Fujisawa's fists of justice?" 
		- Mr. Fujisawa, 'El-Hazard'
{AN ATTACK:} What your character will do when the only resort is violence. Could be a witty line or a simple gesture, etc.
	"Oh? In that case I'll show you no mercy."
		- Lina Inverse, 'Slayers'
{A PASS:} Interactions with the other sex is inevitable. How will your character respond to such comments? Is your character a silver tongued devil, or could they use lessons in dealing with the opposite sex?
	[SLAP!] "That's the viewing fee. Quite a bargain, eh?"
		- Asuka Soryuu Langley, 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'

Any other information that you feel is important to the character's development. This can include stuff like quirks, past experiences, likes and dislikes, growing up.

One of the requirements for a new member is a sample of your writing. The best way to do that is write a little story introducing your character and how he/she might interact with others, what they think or how they act.

What sort of anime or manga influenced you when you created this character? It doesn't have to be a specific thing. Having a character that has a general anime feel but completely original for all other anime characters is possible. It can also be a mixture of characteristics from other anime.

Characters coming directly from things like Mad Max, Dirty Harry, Shadowrun, Rifts, AD&D are discouraged. That doesn't mean your character can't be like someone from these things. But the anime concept should be the most primary and important.

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Written by Ryan Matheuszik and Dare Cheung
Edited by Dare Cheung
Last updated: Sept. 10, 2000
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